Dr John Sinden
Chief Executive Officer
John Sinden was a scientific co-founder of ReNeuron and from 1998 to 2019 was Chief Scientific Officer.
Prior to founding ReNeuron and becoming its first employee, he was Reader in Neurobiology of Behaviour at the Institute of Psychiatry at Kings College London. He graduated in Psychology from the University of Sydney and completed a Ph.D. in Neuroscience from the Université Pierre et Marie Curie at the Collėge de France. He subsequently held post-doctoral appointments at Oxford University and the Institute of Psychiatry prior to joining the permanent staff of the Institute in 1987. He holds honorary professorships at the University College London faculty of Medical Science and the University of Exeter Medical School. He has over 140 scientific publications and book chapters.
He is a member of the Royal Society of Medicine and Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology

Prof. James Phillips
Chief Scientific Officer
James Phillips is Professor of Regenerative Medicine at University College London (UCL). He runs a research group based at the UCL School of Pharmacy, is co-Director of the UCL Centre for Nerve Engineering and Vice-Dean (Innovation & Enterprise) for the UCL Faculty of Life Sciences. His previous roles included Reader in Regenerative Medicine at UCL (2017-20), Senior Lecturer in Biomaterials & Tissue Engineering at UCL (2013-17) and before that he was Lecturer in Health Sciences at the Open University. After a first degree in Biochemistry at Imperial College London (awarded 1996), James completed his PhD in Pharmacology at the School of Pharmacy, University of London (awarded 2000). He was a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Tissue Repair and Engineering Centre at UCL, then worked as a Research Fellow in the Surgery Department at UCL.
James is currently involved in a range of research projects including collaborations with scientists, clinicians and engineers working in academia, industry and healthcare. He is a member of the Editorial Board for the Journal of Biomaterials Applications, part of the Executive Committee of the Tissue and Cell Engineering Society and President of the European Society for the Study of Peripheral Nerve Repair and Regeneration.