M. Georgiou, S.C.J. Bunting, H.A. Davies, A.J. Loughlin, J.P. Golding and J.B. Phillips (2013). Engineered neural tissue for peripheral nerve repair. Biomaterials, 34, 7335–7343
M. Georgiou, J.P. Golding, A.J. Loughlin, P.J. Kingham and J.B. Phillips (2014) Engineered neural tissue with aligned, differentiated adipose-derived stem cells promotes peripheral nerve regeneration across a critical sized defect in rat sciatic nerve. Biomaterials 37, 242-251
W. Martens, K. Sanen, M. Georgiou, T. Struys, A. Bronckaers, M. Ameloot, J.B. Phillips and I. Lambrichts (2014). Human dental pulp stem cells can differentiate into Schwann cells and promote and guide neurite outgrowth in an aligned tissue-engineered collagen construct in vitro. FASEB J, 28, 1634–1643
K. Sanen, W. Martens, M. Georgiou, M. Ameloot, I. Lambrichts & J.B. Phillips (2017) Engineered neural tissue with Schwann cell differentiated human dental pulp stem cells: potential for peripheral nerve repair? Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine doi: 10.1002/term.2249
F. Gonzalez-Perez, J. Hernández, C. Heimann, J.B. Phillips, E. Udina, X. Navarro (2018) Schwann cells and Mesenchymal Stem cells on laminin or fibronectin aligned matrices support regeneration across a critical size defect of 15 mm in the rat sciatic nerve. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 28:109-118
C. Schuh, A.G.E. Day, H. Reidl & J.B. Phillips (2018) An optimized collagen-fibrin blend enhances the ability of engineered neural tissue to promote peripheral nerve repair. Tissue Engineering Part A (in press)
A.G.E. Day, K.Singh-Bhangra, C. Murray-Dunning, L. Stevanato & J.B. Phillips (2017) The Effect of Hypothermic and Cryogenic Preservation on Engineered Neural Tissue. Tissue Engineering Part C 23, 575-582
C. O’Rourke, A.G.E. Day, C. Murray-Dunning, L. Thanabalasundaram, J. Cowan, L. Stevanato, N. Grace, G. Cameron, R.A.L. Drake, J. Sinden & J.B. Phillips (2018) An allogeneic ‘off the shelf’ therapeutic strategy for peripheral nerve tissue engineering using clinical grade human neural stem cells. Scientific Reports 8, 2951
M.L.D. Rayner, A.G.E. Day, K.S. Bhangra, J. Sinden & J.B. Phillips (2021). Engineered neural tissue made using clinical-grade human neural stem cells supports regeneration in a long gap peripheral nerve injury model. Acta Biomaterialia 135, 203-213
J.B. Phillips (2021) ‘EngNT’ — Engineering live neural tissue for nerve replacement. Emerging Topics in Life Sciences ETLS20210085
Muangsanit P, Day A, Dimiou S, Ataç A, Kayal C, Park H, Nazhat SN & Phillips JB (2020). Rapidly formed stable and aligned dense collagen gels seeded with Schwann cells support peripheral nerve regeneration. Journal of Neural Engineering 17, 046036